cassandra sato

Crafting Cassandra: Five Years, One Dissertation

Ever wondered what happens when you take a pinch of Hawaiian sunshine, mix it with Nebraska cornfields, and throw in a crime scene investigation just for fun? Well, you get Death by Dissertation, a concoction I brewed up during a month-long cram session known as National Novel Writing Month back in November 2014.

Death 101: Extra Credit (or How I Learned to Stop Stewing and Finish My Fourth Novel)

You might think that Death 101 was an easy A for me.

After all, it’s my tenth book and fourth novel – piece of cake, right? Nothing could be further from the truth, and now I’m finally ready to heave a sigh of relief.

Book Tour and Apple Pie Recipe

Cassandra Sato’s new dog, Murphy, makes his first internet appearance! And my Grandma Ruth’s Apple Pie and Oil Pastry recipe. Shhh. . . don’t tell my aunts. I don’t want to get into trouble for spilling family secrets.

Dead of Winter Break Release and Blog Tour

Join me in celebrating my victory over pandemic quarantines, couch potato syndrome, and writer’s block. The latest episode in Cassandra Sato’s mystery series is here! Follow the Great Escapes Blog Tour to read interviews, reviews, a family heirloom recipe, and enter a giveaway to win an eBook copy. 

Pineapple Upside Down Spam Cake

If you don’t live in Hawai’i where 6 million cans of Spam are eaten every year (that’s around 5 cans per person!), you might balk at trying this deliciously sweet and savory version of Pineapple Upside Down Cake. You’d be missing out on a treat once featured on the Travel Channel’s Bizarre Foods.

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