
Author Interview: Lois Winston releases 11th Anastasia Pollack Crafting Mystery

We are in for a treat today. I’ve invited fellow crime fighting author Lois Winston on the occasion of her newest book release, Guilty as Framed, the 11th Anastasia Pollack Crafting Mystery! The first in the series was one of my monthly book club recommendations, and I think you’ll enjoy learning more about her now.

Book Tour and Apple Pie Recipe

Cassandra Sato’s new dog, Murphy, makes his first internet appearance! And my Grandma Ruth’s Apple Pie and Oil Pastry recipe. Shhh. . . don’t tell my aunts. I don’t want to get into trouble for spilling family secrets.

Great Escapes Blog Tour

Please join me on my first virtual book tour happening June 17th – 30th. Each day, Death by Dissertation will be featured on a different website. Some are book reviews, others are interviews or articles I’ve written as a guest post for another blogger. I’ve enjoyed answering their thoughtful questions and writing behind-the-scenes details about […]

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