
Verso l’alto: Striving for the Heights with Comfort and Joy

Every December, I sit down with a warm beverage and choose a word or phrase to guide me through the next year. It’s a little tradition that helps me focus on what matters most. It doesn’t mean everything magically goes as planned, but it helps me stay open to saying “yes” when the right moment comes along.

Guest post: Make Them Laugh by Lois Winston

We live in interesting times. I hear that phrase quite often these days, and how apropos it is! Put bluntly, there’s a lot going on in the world that really, really sucks. Many people just want to make like an ostrich and bury their heads in the sand, and who could blame them?

Crafting Cassandra: Five Years, One Dissertation

Ever wondered what happens when you take a pinch of Hawaiian sunshine, mix it with Nebraska cornfields, and throw in a crime scene investigation just for fun? Well, you get Death by Dissertation, a concoction I brewed up during a month-long cram session known as National Novel Writing Month back in November 2014.

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