
Book Tour and Apple Pie Recipe

Cassandra Sato’s new dog, Murphy, makes his first internet appearance! And my Grandma Ruth’s Apple Pie and Oil Pastry recipe. Shhh. . . don’t tell my aunts. I don’t want to get into trouble for spilling family secrets.

Dead of Winter Break Release and Blog Tour

Join me in celebrating my victory over pandemic quarantines, couch potato syndrome, and writer’s block. The latest episode in Cassandra Sato’s mystery series is here! Follow the Great Escapes Blog Tour to read interviews, reviews, a family heirloom recipe, and enter a giveaway to win an eBook copy. 

November Online Book Club: The Jade Tiger by E.W. Cooper

Historical mysteries are a special kind of reading escape. Not only do we get to solve the mystery puzzle, we’re transported to another time and place where the clothes, food, and smells bring the past to life. This year, since we’re barely leaving the neighborhood, historical fiction seems especially appealing.

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