
Kelly Brakenhoff – Author

Cozy Mysteries and Children's Picture Books

10+ Books to Get You Through the Quarantine Blues

It’s a hard time to be an extrovert.

Or a parent with school-aged kids. Or in a high-risk health category. Or an essential worker. Together let’s send up another prayer for the health care providers who are putting themselves in harm’s way to protect us.

Week Two of self-imposed distancing is going better than the first. I’ve started FaceTiming family and friends so I have someone to talk to besides the dogs and Dave (my hubby of 30 years on Tuesday–cheers!) How’s it going in your corner of the world?

When my stir-craziness gets too much, I really appreciate all the funny meme-creators and videographers on social media for the distractions.

But at a certain point, I’m done with screens, and I just want to escape into a good book. But the libraries closed, I owed too many fines, and they shut down my account. (Oops.)

I found a work around!

Using this link, you can get two months of Kindle Unlimited for free! You’d be surprised how many good books are available from KU. I’ve gathered a list of books or authors I recommend for you to load onto your digital device of choice. You don’t have to use a Kindle. Using a tablet or phone you can download an app to read kindle books.

Step one sign up for Kindle Unlimited.

Step two: Browse my list to get you started. Once you choose a few, you can veer off down your own rabbit hole on Amazon. Make sure you click the box narrowing your options to Kindle Unlimited. (Even though you see prices for the books below, when you get to the product page the prices are $0.00 under Kindle Unlimited.)

I loved Girl, Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis, so I expect this one to be good too. Of course, I have to put in a plug for my own books! If you haven’t read them yet, both are available on Kindle Unlimited! Now’s the time to grab them.

Even Harry Potter is available in KU! Whether it’s your first time or your 20th, two months of self-imposed exile is the perfect time to get lost at Hogwarts. Or load up a tablet with them for your kids who are home from school!

Mysteries, thrillers, and romance are my go-to books when I want an escape.

If you like Romantic Comedies, try these from my friend and fellow Lincolnite, Laura Chapman! The rest in this group, I’ve either read or downloaded into my to-read folder.

Remember to note 2 months on your calendar when the free membership expires. You have to decide to keep the $9.95 per month KU membership or cancel and avoid unwanted credit card charges.

I’m enjoying my distancing time so much more now that I’ve added reading to my schedule. I hope these great reads transport you far away in your imagination. Let’s beat the quarantine blues together!

Take care, friends and be well!

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