Sweet & Savory Alpine Potato Soup
What do football, a polar vortex, and my kitchen have in common? Answer: They all inspired these potato-packed recipes!
What do football, a polar vortex, and my kitchen have in common? Answer: They all inspired these potato-packed recipes!
This updated version of the classic is a treat for kids and adults. It’s still perfect for little hands to help with the mixing and stuffing, but I’ve added a twist: salted caramel chips! Found them on the chocolate chip shelf at the store and couldn’t resist. Of course, you can use any combination of chips and jam that sound yummy—get creative!
When the garden gives you more veggies than you know what to do with, it’s time to whip up my go-to breakfast: a hearty egg scramble that’ll keep you fueled until lunch.
After searching for paleo recipes online, I tested a few then came up with my own version using the ingredients I needed to fit my meal plan.
I had forgotten how delicious these fruit cups were until recently, when the grandkids were over and helped me make a big batch. My version has no added sugar for an easy snack from the freezer when little ones drop by your house. For adults, they’re tasty “ice cubes” in a glass of wine for a quick sangria on a Friday afternoon! It’s 5 o’clock somewhere…
Messy, but delicious combination of two family favorites. My go-to healthy base scone has everything you need in one bite: tart cherries, chocolate chips, and a few chopped pecans for crunch. The middle layer borrows from an old Jammy Scones recipe, a kid-friendly version for children learning how to bake.
In Dead of Winter Break, Cassandra celebrates her first Christmas away from her family’s home in Hawai’i. When she and her best friend Meg make pies together, this is the family recipe they use for the Apple Pie.